Quality Landscaping Services
Milledgeville store: Serving Baldwin County and the surrounding areas
Landscaping Supplies
Landscaping Materials at Bedrock Mulch & Mower
- Mulch
- Granite Gravel
- Sand
- River Rock
- Pine Straw
- Creek Rock
Sand & Soil
A scoop of sand will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 1000 lbs.
Fine (masonry) White Sand $20.00/ scoop
A scoop of topsoil will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 800 lbs.
Fill (sand) Dirt $15.00/ scoop
Topsoil $25.00/ scoop
Mulch & Straw
A scoop of mulch will cover about 50 sq. ft. 3” thick and is about ½ cubic yd.
Cypress Mulch $20.00/ scoop
Dyed Mulch (Red, Black & Brown) $22.00/ scoop
Reward card available for mulch, 8 = 1 free
Pine Straw/Long Needle $4.50/ bale
Landscape Stone & Rocks
A scoop of gravel will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 1000 lbs.
Ala. River Rock - 67 (med, size of a dime to quarter) $80.00/ scoop
Ala. River Rock - 4 (egg size) $90.00/ scoop
Tenn. Jacks (3” to 5” river rock) $80.00/ scoop
Bulk Creek Rock (4”-12”) $80.00/ scoop
Reward card available for decorative rock, 8 = 1 free
GA. Granite
GA. Granite (driveway stone) - M 10 screenings $22.00/ scoop
GA. Granite (driveway stone) - 89 (pea gravel) $48.00/ scoop
GA. Granite (driveway stone) - #57 (med) $35.00/ scoop
GA. Granite (driveway stone) - #4 (egg size) $35.00/ scoop
GA. Granite (driveway stone) - Crush & Run $28.00/ scoop
GA. Granite - Rip - Rap $40.00/ scoop

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Prices are subject to change, updated 03/02/25
We also sell and service Husqvarna mowers and handheld equipment!!