Quality Landscaping Services

Milledgeville store: Serving Baldwin County and the surrounding areas

3048A N Columbia St Milledgeville GA 31061

Landscaping Supplies

Are you looking for affordable rock, mulch, sand, gravel, straw or dirt at affordable prices? Look no further than Bedrock Mulch & Mower for bulk landscaping supplies. We have a HUGE selection of different sizes, colors and shapes of materials to create the exact look you desire. We sell our landscape supplies in bulk to supply you with everything you need to create your yard work dreams. Ordering from us is as simple as letting us know how much you need and where to deliver your supplies. If you are not exactly sure on how much you will need, we will help estimate the correct amount for an accurate order. All of our high-quality landscaping materials are available for pickup or delivery at your convenience. Give us a call or stop on down today!

Landscaping Materials at Bedrock Mulch & Mower

  • Mulch
  • Granite Gravel
  • Sand
  • River Rock
  • Pine Straw
  • Creek Rock

Sand & Soil

A scoop of sand will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 1000 lbs.

Fine (masonry) White Sand $20.00/ scoop

A scoop of topsoil will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 800 lbs.

Fill (sand) Dirt $15.00/ scoop

Topsoil $25.00/ scoop

Mulch & Straw

A scoop of mulch will cover about 50 sq. ft. 3” thick and is about ½ cubic yd.

Cypress Mulch $20.00/ scoop

Dyed Mulch (Red, Black & Brown) $22.00/ scoop

Reward card available for mulch, 8 = 1 free

Pine Straw/Long Needle $4.50/ bale

Landscape Stone & Rocks

A scoop of gravel will cover about 50 sq. ft. 2 ½” thick and is about 1000 lbs.

Ala. River Rock - 67 (med, size of a dime to quarter) $80.00/ scoop

Ala. River Rock - 4 (egg size) $90.00/ scoop

Tenn. Jacks (3” to 5” river rock) $80.00/ scoop

Bulk Creek Rock (4”-12”) $80.00/ scoop

Reward card available for decorative rock, 8 = 1 free
GA. Granite

GA. Granite (driveway stone) - M 10 screenings $22.00/ scoop

GA. Granite (driveway stone) - 89 (pea gravel) $48.00/ scoop

GA. Granite (driveway stone) - #57 (med) $35.00/ scoop

GA. Granite (driveway stone) - #4 (egg size) $35.00/ scoop

GA. Granite (driveway stone) - Crush & Run $28.00/ scoop

GA. Granite - Rip - Rap $40.00/ scoop

Delivery Available!

Thank you!

Prices are subject to change, updated 03/02/25

We also sell and service Husqvarna mowers and handheld equipment!!